

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Son who lost bitter legal battle with father over £2million classic car collection refuses to be beaten and is on his way back to court

  • Father and son shared a passion for cars, but fell out over four vehicles
  • Son insisted his father had given him the classic cars after his graduation 
  • But father said the cars were his 'pension' and son had borrowed them 
  • High Court judge rules in favour of father but son is set to appeal decision

  • son who lost a bitter legal battle against his tycoon father over the ownership of classic cars worth £2million has refused to be beaten - and is on his way back to court.
    Ernst Hrabalek once shared a passion for classic cars with his son Christian, of north-west London, and even promised to give him his rare Lancia Stratos rally vehicles 'at some stage'.
    But when the son failed to return four of the vehicles after borrowing them, a legal row ensued which a High Court judge ended earlier this month by ruling in the father's favour.
    Now Christian has vowed to appeal the decision and still believes he is the 'rightful owner' of the vehicles.
    He said: 'Court cases are always upsetting, but ten times more so when it involves close family members. I am very disappointed at the outcome of the trial. 
    'This dispute between my father and I has been ongoing for over four years and has spanned three countries. The fact that the outcome was favourable to me in Austria and Germany makes this High Court ruling in England particularly hard. 
    'While my overriding feeling is one of deep, personal sadness over the rift this has caused with my father, I still believe that I am the rightful owner of these cars and will continue to pursue my claim to the cars - starting first by seeking permission to appeal the High Court's decision and then with consideration of possible remedies abroad.'
    Earlier this month, the High Court heard the father had 'made and apparently lost large wealth throughout his career' - but had enough money to indulge his love of classic cars.
    Christian insisted that his father 'repeatedly promised to give him his whole collection of Stratos cars' on his graduation from university in 2000 and 'then did so'.

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