

Monday 15 June 2015

Green car sales rocket five-fold as drivers scoop up £5k government grants – but how long will subsidy pot last?

  • DfT figures shows nearly 10k green cars were sold in first three months
  • British buyers tempted in by £5 government grant and better technology
  • But subsidy pot could be running out far more quickly than anticipated 

Sales of electric and other 'green' cars have soared as drivers take advantage of low tax and running costs - and a £5,000 grant, new figures from the Department of Transport reveal.
Buyers are also being attracted by a rise in the number of critically-acclaimed vehicles available under the grant, including cars such as BMW's i3, the top-selling Mitsubishi Outlander, Tesla Model S - even Porsche's luxury Panamera S E-Hybrid qualifies.
A total of 9,046 new ultra low emission vehicles were registered in the first three months of 2015 – up five-fold from 1,789 in the first quarter of 2014. The statistical bulletin noted an increase of 366 per cent: 'Most of this increase has been due to vehicles eligible for plug-in car and van grants.'

Becoming popular: The Mitsubishi Outlander is the biggest selling green car so far this year
By contrast, overall car sales in the first there months of the year were up nine per cent to 872,000. 
The grant pot for hybrid and electric cars is limited, however. In April 2013, the government committed to funding 50,000 cars and latest figures which only run to February 2015 show 25,000 dished out.
Motorists have been keen to switch to plug-in electric hybrid cars such as the Mitsubishi Outlander, whose batteries can be charged at home to run the electric motors, but which also have petrol engines should the electric power run out of range.
Such vehicles also have a massive road tax advantage for motorists, and especially a benefit-in-kind advantage for company car drivers who can see their tax bills slashed by thousands of pounds for going 'green'. 
The figures come as a new plug-in battery powered hire cars scheme is launched in London as part of a £100million electric car revolution to turn London into the 'green driving' capital of the world and clean up its dangerously polluted air.
Responsibility for transforming the use of electric cars in London has been given to French firm Bolloré, which four years ago launched the successful Autolib scheme in Paris that is now used by 220,000 drivers.
It has already been dubbed 'Boris Cars' after London Mayor Boris Johnson's bicycle hire scheme known as 'Boris Bikes'. 
Transport Minister Andrew Jones said: 'I am delighted to see such a huge rise in the number of people buying ultra low emission vehicles. 
'The Go Ultra Low campaign is making low emission vehicles an increasingly popular choice and the government is investing £500million over the next five years in making them more accessible to families and businesses across the country.
'It's a great example of Britain leading the way in developing sustainable transport options that are affordable for everyone.'
The data echoes that of the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders last week which revealed a similar rise in the sale of green cars. 

At the latest count in February, the Department for Transport said 25,000 grants had been dished out to drivers wanting to snap up a green car.
It expects to issue an update on this in the coming month. But with sales booming, the number of grants is likely to now be substantially higher.
Buyers can get 35 per cent off the cost of a car, up to a maximum of £5,000 and 20 per cent off the cost of a van, up to a maximum of £8,000
In April 2013, it committed to retain the £5,000 grant until 50,000 claims had been made.
On the Government website, it says £200million has been earmarked for the continuation of the plug-in car grant from 2015 to 2020. However, this would equate to just 40,000 x £5,000 grants. 
With sales growing in popularity, more cash may need to be earmarked for grants. Failing that, the grants may be stopped or made less attractive after the original tranche runs out.  

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